Naukri Recruiter self help guide (FAQs)

How can I save resumes that I like during my search in Resdex ?

To save the desired resumes from the search results page

  • Go to the search results page; check the box against the resume(s) you wish to save/move into a folder.
  • Click on the “Save to Folder” button at the top
  • Follow the instructions in the window that pops up and save/move the resume(s).

To save the desired resumes from the resume details page

  • Click on the “Save to Folder” button at the resume preview page and follow the instructions.

The resume will be moved to the selected folder. This option is more time taking but is helpful when you wish to scan through the entire resume before moving it to a folder.

Once you have saved/moved the desired resume(s) to the folder(s), you can view them from the folder itself.

Watch a quick video tutorial on the same here

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